Contact number

07092 195060

Just leave your name and contact number only

Please ensure you leave the correct number for Phil to call you back


This number does not accept them

Phil will not answer calls from blocked numbers, so ensure that your number is visible.

07092 are personal numbers - They are a different technology to mobile numbers and calls to them are more expensive.

070 number call costs
Landline between 5p and 50p per minute (can often include a call set-up fee of up to 50p)

From a mobile phone - up to 1.00 per minute

I would strongly prefer you to come to my studio for portrait work, as I have more control over various lighting factors.

Call me to discuss your needs.

Use of images shown on this page is strictly via licence.

Copyright 2009 Photograph Phil Russell

Your information is kept strictly confidential and will not be passed to third parties without your express written permission.

All information held under the provisions of the UK Data Protection Act 1998.

Nearest station

Underground - East Ham

DLR - Beckton



Change the (AT) to @ when typing the address please.

(You need to be signed in to your account first)


In your e-mail message, please provide the following details:

Your name + phone number

Reason for your message

(e.g. Event type: Date / Times / Location / Other?)